Genealogy Research

Organizing Genealogy Records by Couple

Genealogists have many options to choose from when deciding how to organize their records. It’s really a matter of personal preference. Some common methods include: Organizing by surname Organizing by couple Organizing with an eight folder file structure (one folder for each set of great-grandparents) I organize the majority of my records by couple. This […]


What to Expect From Boston University’s Genealogical Principles Course

Boston University offers two online genealogy courses: Genealogical Principles Course• 7 weeks• Tuition: $995• Recommended time commitment: 7-10 hours/week Certificate in Genealogical Research• 15 weeks• Tuition: $2,695• Recommended time commitment: 15-30 hours/week In 2019 I enrolled in the 7-week Genealogical Principles Course. If you’re considering taking this course, here’s an idea of what to expect. […]

Genealogy Research

5 Steps to Starting Your Genealogy Research

Ready to start building your family tree, but not sure where to start? Everyone’s genealogy journey is unique, but starting off with the following 5 steps can help set you up for success, and save you time, money and stress. 1. Purchase family tree software Family trees can be built on many different websites including […]